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- MindSpring PipeLine+ version 2.6 for Windows 95
- Conflicts and Fixes
- * Runtime Error 367 : Cannot load or register custom control: ESRAS32.OCX
- * Error 691: Authentication Failure
- * Runtime Error 75
- * Error 602: Port already open
- * Error 502: You have no permission to talk
- * Could not log into the mail server. Check your username and password.
- * Could not retrieve usage stats...
- * Could not retreive message of the day...
- * Error 731: Protocol not configured
- * Rasapi32.dll
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Runtime Error 367 : Cannot load or register custom control: ESRAS32.OCX
- 1 With MindSpring PipeLine+ closed, click Start, then click Run.
- 2 Type regsvr32 esras32.ocx then click OK.
- 3 Click OK. You should see the confirmation DLLRegisterServer
- in esras32.ocx succeeded.
- 4 Restart Windows95.
- 5 If the install program does not auto-launch you will need to
- launch it. To do so:
- Click on Start
- Click on Run
- Type "c:\pipeplus\bin\mssetup" without the quotes.
- Press [Enter].
- 6 Make sure that your UserID is correct, that Mailbox has your
- primary Mailbox name, and that Domain reflects your email address.
- Error 691: Authentication Failure
- This error indicates that either your UserID or its password are
- entered incorrectly into MindSpring PipeLine+. To update your
- password in MindSpring PipeLine+
- 1 Open PipeLine+, and click Configure.
- 2 Verify the information in the User ID field. Remember to use
- the correct letter case, and to differentiate between a zero
- (0) and the letter O (o).
- 3 Click Login Password, and enter information as follows:
- Current Password:
- Leave blank.
- New Password:
- Type your password.
- Verify Password:
- Type your password again.
- 4 Click OK, then click OK again.
- Runtime Error 75
- This error usually results when the MindSpring Installer attempts
- to run MSSetup while other applications are active. If you receive
- this error, close all applications, including Norton Desktop, and
- any virus protection software, then run MSSetup. To run MSSetup:
- 1 With MindSpring PipeLine+ closed, click Start, point to Programs,
- then click MindSpring PipeLine+ v2.6-32.
- 2 Double-click MSSetup.
- 3 Complete the PipeLine+ Setup window. Make sure that your UserID
- is correct, that Mailbox has your primary Mailbox name, and that
- Domain reflects your email address.
- 4 Click OK.
- Port disconnected due to hardware failure
- This error indicates that your modem is not properly installed. You
- will need to un-install your current modem, reinstall it, then run
- MSSetup (see To run MSSetup).
- Error 602: Port already open
- This error occurs during connection, and indicates that another
- application has control of the port on which your modem is installed.
- If you receive this error, disable any non-MindSpring communications
- applications, including fax and voicemail applications. Then try to
- connect again. It may be necessary to restart your computer, if you
- receive this error after disabling other communications software.
- Error 502: You have no permission to talk
- This error appears most often when a MindSpring customer whose email
- address is mailbox@pipeline.com has news.mindspring.com selected as
- his or her news server, rather than news.pipeline.com (possibly as
- a result of accepting the default domain, "mindspring," during
- installation). This conflict can be changed in the PipeLine+ Setup
- window. See To run MSSetup.
- Could not log into the mail server. Check your username and password.
- Could not retrieve usage stats...
- Could not retreive message of the day...
- MindSpring PipeLine+ is designed to accomplish three tasks immediately
- after a connection is established: check for mail waiting, check your
- account usage statistics, and display the MindSpring Daily Announcements.
- If you receive any one of the above messages, but are able to connect
- successfully (evidenced by the ability to load Web pages in Internet
- Explorer), chances are that your UserID or Mailbox, or Domain are not
- set correctly in MindSpring PipeLine+.
- All user information, including your domain, can be set from the program
- MSSetup (see To run MSSetup).
- Error 731: Protocol not configured
- We're still looking for the definitive set of circumstances in which this
- error occurs, but it appears to be related to failed installation of DUN
- or TCP/IP. As a remedy, we will need to remove Dial-Up Networking and
- MindSpring PipeLine+, then reinstall. To remove Dial-Up Networking
- 1 Click Start, then point to Settings and click Control Panel.
- 2 Double-click Add/Remove Programs.
- 3 Click the Windows Setup tab, and double-click Communications.
- 4 De-select Dial-Up Networking.
- 5 Click OK, then click OK again.
- To un-install MindSpring PipeLine+
- 1 Click Start, then point to Programs and click
- MindSpring PipeLine+ v2.6-32.
- 2 Double-click Uninstall MindSpring.
- 3 Click Yes.
- 4 Delete the Pipeplus folder.
- Now you are ready to re-install MindSpring PipeLine+.
- Rasapi32.dll
- If you receive errors involving the file rasapi32.dll, first restart
- your computer and run MSSetup (see To run MSSetup). If the error still
- occurs, you will need to uninstall Dial-Up Networking (see To remove
- Dial-Up Networking), then run MSSetup once again.
- To receive the most current information, please visit:
- http://help.mindspring.com/modules/w95/fix/pipeplus.html